Call SOAP service

Hello Dawie,

We want to call SOAP serivce and done some read multiple operation.

This is webservice wsdl link:

This is webserivce link:

user: hidden
password: hidden

We cannot access.

Please can you help us.

Hi Darko,

I had a look. First things:

The WSDL you provided is on a password protected site. Linx cannot load a WSDL that is behind a password protected site. Using your provided credentials, I could load the WSDL in Chrome. However, Chrome is not happy with saving the WSDL locally. I did copy and paste the WSDL into a TXT file, and I could open this WSDL in Linx. When I try to run a method though, I’m getting an “NTLM” error, which means the SOAP Service requires a Windows Domain User to run. The username and password you provided is only to access the WSDL, but they are not for a Domain User. Do you have more info on the user?

Please do not paste a password on this site, rather email it to me.

Best regards,

Hello Dawie,

So what we need to send you, credential for windows user or?

Hello Dawie,

What info you need for users more?
What is suggestion to do on windows server side to make it work?