Love Linx! Have Some QOL Requests Though

Got a few things that have been brewing in my mind.

1.) Workspaces. Basically so that a menu layout you create can be assigned as a savable/loadable layout. This may not see a lot of use with the current window set, as their isn’t too many windows(Panels). For future use case though it could definitely be a handy productivity extra.

2.)I’m a big believer in simplicity, adding features inevitably adds complexity. For the end users and the creators of a project. Can we please get some more configuration options though?
-The newest update that reduced file history for example. Instead of setting a hard value. Have a configurable integer value in the configuration menu to allow users to select themselves how many rollbacks of a project will be kept.
That’s the only one i have offhand. Just popped in my head while reading release notes.
(I’m going to make some assumptions here) I feel like with the change to file history, the majority of the boiler plate would be in place already to allow this to be a user configurable option. Even though this might ultimately not amount to much of an “Option”. The illusion of choice to end users can still add desirability.

3.)Can we change up the “Settings” and “Configuration” titles to be more clear. Possibly changing “Settings” to something like “Project settings”, “Project Runtime Settings”. I think a more intuitive distinction could be beneficial.

4.)I would love to see a Panel dedicated to, out of project, solutions. I’ve noticed myself setting up projects specifically to house my “code” snippets. I was super happy when i realized i could copy and paste over between two open linx projects! Being able to import boilerplate solutions would be amazing. I’m sure that there would definitely be some behind the scenes optimizing that could be done with this implementation as well. A reduction in ram usage and file usage namely. Designing it to be more in line with linking libraries in other languages, C++ for example, could cut down on file usage. Since you wouldn’t need to duplicate an entire solution in to a project. You could link to it, so multiple solutions linking to it would only need one known location. When it comes to ram usage. Since you’re using an already built solution, you only need to represent inputs and outputs in the designer, similar to how plugins are. So no need to display or load the entire solution.

5.)This one is more my own personal struggle. Where in the world do i set up the http response code for my simple rest servers. I’ve searched all over the docs, community and i’m really struggling to find any clear indicator. Intuitively i would of expected this to be inside the return value of the rest response. As a majority of other predefined default values can be found there.


Thought of one more! It would be nice to be able to include files statically. SImilar to how it’s set up in Stadium Designer. You can add files to your project and they go wherever the project goes, my assumption on that one.
This could be especially beneficial if someone is designing a solution for a client. Currently i believe you need to link to the file location. This could prove troublesome when transferring to other devices. Especially if the end consumer is not someone who is familiar with what’s going wrong when a file is incorrectly located. I think this could prove beneficial for long term solution stability. There could be some mission critical files, currently i believe it’s plausible they could be easily accidentally deleted.

An addition.
An expand all and collapse all in the right click context menu for the solution explorer panel. Although i’ve thought for a long time now that a better version of this context would be. Expand all children/Collapse all children.
Similar in scope to that, a button that flashes your currently active file or that opens the solution explorer panel to the currently active file and selects it.

Hi Ferula,

Thank you very much for your feedback! We find it very valuable.

Regarding the points you mentioned:
1.) Currently, there has not been a need for this, but I am noting and adding it to the backlog for discussion in the future.

2.) That is a great suggestion. I will look into creating a configurable setting for the amount of rollbacks that are possible.

3.) I know of the Settings button on the Toolbar and the File → Configuration menu, both in the Linx Designer. Are these the ones you are referring to? Could you please elaborate a bit more on this one.

4.) Noted. I have been thinking of this for a long time already and it is definitely the direction I would like to move towards.

5.) SimpleRESTHost is a very simplified version of RESTHost and mostly used for quick and easy configuration of a very basic RESTHost implementation. Due to this reason, you will definitely find that the SimpleRESTHost can’t do all things the RESTHost can. Should this happen, it would be best to swop over to using the RESTHost.

6.) EmbeddedFiles works very well in Stadium and is widely used. One disadvantage is it can bloat your solution quite easily if it is abused. I will add this to the Design backlog for Linx.

7.) Noted. I will also add this one to the Design backlog.

Once again, thank you for the positive and constructive feedback!