OptimoRoute API Example

OptimoRoute™ is an online Route Planner for Delivery and Field Service. With OptimoRoute™ you can plan the most efficient routes and schedules with multiple stops per route.

Sample built with Linx5.

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With Linx you can easily integrate your systems with OptimoRoute to set up and optimise routing.

Sign up at OptimoRoute at: https://optimoroute.com/

OptimoRoute API Reference: OptimoRoute API Reference v1.20

Get API Key by going to Settings → WS API → API Enabled

Save API Key into your solutions Settings

To use the API Key in Linx, simply add a Query string parameter called key and point it to your API key in your Setttings.

:floppy_disk: Here’s an example solution that Creates an Order and then Extract the Orders (using Linx 5.20): OptimoRoute.lsoz (24.7 KB)

The solution has 3 basic functions:

  • Create Order: Creates an order on OptimoRoute
  • Get Orders: Gets orders according to list of Order Numbers supplied
  • Test: Through basic data test the above two functions

After running the test a couple of times, I’ve created some orders in OptimoRoute:

:warning: An important note to keep in mind, OptimoRoute doesn’t seem to have an operation to retrieve all the orders for the day or for a span, thus, for a system using this, I’d keep a database of Order numbers to reference.

@Dawie_Botes Is there any possibility to assign order to some specific driver. 2nd how we can add ,view driver while integrating the api. note: I am talking about the integration of the Optimoroute with my site.

Hi waheed_akhtar,

Is this question relating to using Linx with Optimoroute? We’re supporting Linx as a product. Optimoroute is just one of thousands of APIs you can integrate with, with Linx. https://linx.software

With your question, you’ll need to investigate the Optimoroute API at OptimoRoute API Reference v1.18. If you look at orders, there is an “assignedTo” property. You can try and set that. And then for the driver, you should be able to use GetRoutes to get all the drivers, and then UpdateDriverParameters to change.