Send email attachment

Hello Dawie,
I need help about send email process and attachment.

I want to add attachment from a list from a folder.
I have problem because debagging didn’t recognize problem.
Please check my config.SendEmail.lsoz (2.6 KB)


Will have a look. Will let you know.


Hi Darko,

Your attached solution seems empty, thus I couldn’t see how you configured the SendMail component, but basically, attachments in Linx’s SendMail is a List of File Locations. Thus, you can click on the “Set Fields” icon to add more than one Attachment location. Your result will look like this:

Hi Darko,

Just a note on Dawie’s comment, if you are listing files with a function such as FileList, you can use the AddToList function to add each file retrieved to a List type. Then, once the FileList is completed you can send the email, for the attachments just reference the whole list.